
Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait heir?

Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait heir? This was all my French teacher wrote on the board today before we started to "play a little game." The object of this game was to help us practice and recognize the passe composse. Little did I know, this would turn out to be one of the most exciting and creative classes so far in the semester.

The question means (more or less) "What did you do yesterday?" My professor proceeded in telling us that we, as a class, could make up a story using the past tense about two characters. All we had to do was tell what happened (in English) and she'd write it on the board for us to see (in French).

This "game" started out innocently enough: Our two characters being Jacques Cousteau and Isabelle Clouseau. Soon, after the initial shyness and fear of saying something wrong wore off--all of five minutes--we discovered that Jacques was a superhero. And here is where it got interesting. This is the story that Dr. Carter's French 101, section 02 class wrote (skip down to the bottom for the English translation):

Je me suis lévé à 18h00 après une nuit de lutter contre la crime. J'ai mis mon cape (de violet et du vert). J'ai mis mon costume de superhéro. J'ai bu du nitrogen avant de sortir manger au restaurant avec mon meilleur ami Hancock.

Ils étaient des comarades de chambre à l'université des supérhéros. Ils étaient tout deux amoureux avec Isabelle à l'université mais elle est devenue une villaine, donc ils ont du travailler ensemble pour la battre.


Isabelle est entreé dans le restaurant pendant leur repas. Elle avait en rendezvous avec le Joker. Ils ont discuté leur plan de conquérir la Terre.

"Dis, mon frére: Il faut les arreter!"

Jacques est d'accord, donc Hancock a arraché le bar, et il l'a jeté aux villains. Jacques a utilisé sa vision de lasers de fondre le métal dans les portes pour empêcher que les gens sortent. Le Joker a jété une de ses bomboes de fumée et ils se sont echappés par la cuisine.

Quand Jacques et Hancock sont arrivés dans la cuisine, ils ont trouvé une note. La note disait:

Pourquoi si serieux? Tu es faché parce que j'ai volé ta femme?

signé: le Joker

...À continuer dans les adventures fantastiques de Jacques et Hancock!


English version:

I get up at 6p after a night of fighting crime. I put on my cape (purple and green). I put on my superhero costume. I drink liquid nitrogen before going out to eat with my best friend, Hancock.

They were college roommates at Superhero College. They both were in love with Isabelle at college but she turned into a villain, so they now work together to defeat her.


Isabelle entered the restaurant during the meal. She has a date with the Joker. They are discussing their plan to take over the world.

"Say, my brother: We have to stop them!"

Jacques agreed, then Hancock took the bar and threw it at the villains. Jacques used his laser vision to melt the metal over the door so they (the villains) couldn't leave. The Joker threw one of his smoke bombs and they (him and Isabelle) escaped threw the kitchen.

When Jacques and Hancock arrived in the kitchen, they found a note. The note read:

Why so serious? You mad because I stole your girl?

signed, The Joker

To be continued.... in the fantastic adventures of Jacques and Hancock!


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