

When reading J.K. Rowling's novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, I have to say one of the most memorable parts is when the main character gets his letter from Hogwarts. "Dear Mr. Potter," I remember perfectly from the motion picture, "we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..." I think this was a very important part because it lets the reader know everything is about to change for Harry.

I decided to start my blog this way because just recently I received my acceptance letter from one of the schools I applied to for college. My first reaction (much unlike Potter) was excitement. I began squealing and jumping around. I felt like I was on top of the world. Then, as I sat on my couch reading the letter for the zillionth time, I realized something: It's beginning.

Before I know it I'll be moving into a dorm, meeting some stranger I'm supposed to live with, signing up for classes and starting "the rest of my life." This feeling is strange... different. On the one hand, I'm excited. To think I'll be out on my own with no one to answer to but myself. However, I'll also be leaving behind the things I've held dear for so many years. But it is relieving to know I do have somewhere to go once I graduate high school.

Well, I've got my letter... And just like Harry, I find myself at the beginning of a journey of self-discovery and self-realization.

Wish me luck!



Aaron said...

Congrats and good luck! =]

Miss A to Z said...

I think I'm afraid to let go...

Which is why I haven't applied anywheres yet...

But it's funny because the last place I want to be stuck at is here, I'm ready to go, but I'm not ready to take the responsibility that goes along with that.

I'm glad for you (: