
The finish line is in sight...YES!

Well, I made a Lenten promise to stay away from sweets and soda for 40 days and 40 nights. And it's been pretty hard. But other than a few slip ups with (the evil company that is) Minute Maid and pancake syrup (if you count that); I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with something so difficult for so long. I still have a long way to go but it's not so bad. I'm almost half way there anyway.

What I've learned from this experience is that I don't need sweets and soda as much as I thought I did. At first, it was hard--breaking the habit and all. But once I "trained" myself to not induldge in those cravings, it got easier. And I can even walk into Southside Bakery without crying (on the outside).

I keep telling myself (and others) that I'll put myself into a diabetic coma on Easter Sunday. But, the truth is, I probably won't. I know that those things are bad for you and I don't need all that in my system, anyway. I will, however, enjoy a nice McDonald's cinna-melts Sunday morning after church. And a soda at work. And a piece of cookie cake on break. But that'll be it. Probably.


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