
No, really, my English professor is insane!

So after nearly a month in summer school, I would venture to say I'm adjusted. Somewhat adjusted. Acutely adjusted. Okay, I'm still wondering what the hell possessed me to continue my education here, in Baton Rouge, so far away from my friends and family and other people I love. What the hell was I thinking? I could have simply went to McNeese, kept my job and saved some money. And I'd still have my bed. And my own shower! But I digress. This is not why I sat down to write this blog. I'm writing because I am now truly convinced my English professor, Dr. Marx is a crazy old bat.

Today, she handed us this sheet (I did not change a single letter. This was really it):

fashul eckspretions and hed moovmints

can yu tel how sumwun feals ubowt yu bi reding boddi langwij? authoryteas klame yu can, frum thu luuk uv skorne, however phleting, too thu suttle nods and brite ize that sae sumwun iz reeseptyv too yor thauts.

katee, cevintene, sez, "mi frends muthir duznt like mee. i noe she duznt." i askt katee whi she thaut this. "well, for wun thing, she duznt luuk at mee when I tawk too hir," katee ecksplaned, "she luuks uwae tord thu dor or ukross thu rume, as thoe she wonts too esscaip. and sumtimes she looks at mee as if too sae, "yu luuk phunnie in those klothes," i ges its thu wae hir ize luuk cold and hir lips ar presst toogethir. she duznt nede too sae wun negutiv werd too mee." thu muthirs boddi langwuj had sent u messij lowd and klere.

emmajin u luuk uv mokkirie on yor fais. teeth kum toogethir, lips kloze with u slite downwerd tirn. uzhuully we are kwik to eerace such u luuk frum owr fais beefor uthers see owr inner thauts, if yu are obzirvint, thoe, yu mae lirn too kach all mening beehind thu mask peepul ware - or think thae ware. as yu beekum moar in toon with boddi cumunicaissions, yu will noe wen too giv yor frends or yor parints u wide burth. yu will spot thu times peepul are tens. yu will aulsoe beeginn to understand yor one boddi langwij, too bee uwair uv whut messijez yu send.

And then, after we struggled through trying to read that aloud in class, my English professor just smiles and says, "Okay, now, what's wrong with this paper?"


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