
Fill 'er Up!

So I was supposed to post something on here but it seems my computer ate it. Or, rather, I can't remember where I saved it. Or if I saved it... Darn. Maybe I'll rewrite it. Possibly. Eh, I dunno. Buuuuut, until I decide on what to post here, you get one of these surveys that have popped up all over Facebook. I liked this one so, I decided to do it. [And, yes, I'm filling in the answers as I post this]

Rules [copied directly from Facebook]: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Kaylyn

2. A four Letter Word: ...kite

3. A boy's Name: Ken

4. A girl's Name: Kathryn

5. An occupation: k.. k.. kinetic engineer? [That's a job, right? It is now...]

6. A color: k.... Kermit the Frog green! [oh, yeah, I'm a beast]

7. Something you wear: k..k.. K Swiss

9. A food: k...k.. [I'm starting to regret doing this] Kellogg's cereal

10. Something found in the bathroom: Kleenex

11. A place: [I cheated. WikiAnswers. Great stuff!] Kyle, Texas

12. A reason for being late: ...k.. -pass-

13. Something you shout: Kaylyn Marie Hawkins! [At least, my mom shouts it... And then I'm in trou-ble.]

14. A movie title: King Kong

15. Something you drink: KOOL-AID!!!

16. A musical group: Killers

17. An animal: Kangaroo

18. A street name: k.. k.. [back to WikiAnswers] Kitch Street, Liverpool

19. A type of car: ...Kia?

20. The title of a song: Kiss Kiss, Chris Brown

God, I gotta find something to write here. My life just isn't interesting enough. Suggestions? :P


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