
I wish I had a pin so I could drop it.

So, as I'm sitting at the Central Library right now and I notice one thing: it's quiet. I mean, it is absolutely silent in here. Is it because most people are too busy during their lunch hours running around, still chasing that caffiene high from the Starbucks earlier this morning to actually stop to read anything? Or maybe it's because it's only 1:15p and most all school-age children are in class right now and everyone knows they're the only people who truly use this place. But there are people here. Actual people doing actual work, here, at the library. Interesting. I should come here more often. I've always wanted to try people watching...

I see you. There, in the pink button-down shirt near the 'Self-Help' section. Your arms are folded in front of your chest. Are you insecure? Don't be shy. You glance once--twice over your shoulder before walking down the aisle to find your book. And you're gone.

Oh God! Was that a cell phone? Ah. I see you now. Your hand diving deep into your purse to find it as the ringtone gets louder. A very generic tone, don't you think? You're safe. Found it, have you? Good. Now go away. Lady, honestly, I don't care that you're at the "lie-berry." I know that. I can see you. And hear you. You are physically incapable of whispering. It's quite sad, actually. Are you serious? You're walking into the compact-shelving rows. Yeah, that'll drown out the noise. I can still hear your conversation. Speaking of which, be sure to pick up an elementary grammar book on your way out.

Who else... who else...?

You there! On the computer next to me. Yes, you. I can hear you typing. It must be important. You've been tack-tack-tacking away for nearly 3 whole minutes now. Let's see what is so important...An email. I see. You're writing long, long paragraphs and breathing quite deeply. This must be emotional for you. Breaking up with a girlfriend? Or perhaps responding to her rejection? Hmm.. a boyfriend, then? Yes, yes, I rather like that conclusion. You're writing a letter to your boyfriend. Telling him that you're sorry but you can't see him anymore. It was just a fling, you offer; telling him you never thought it would escalate this quickly. But he misses you terribly. He'll get over, you say? You're heartless.

This was fun. Thanks public library!



Aaron said...

that was interesting.

PHANatik said...

voyeur! ur goodly now