
I..don't know

I wanted to write something profound, something good. Or maybe continue one of my old favorites. Instead, I got this:

We lived on the same street. Did you know that? Probably not. I used to watch you ride your bike with my brothers while I stood in the yard and made chalk drawings in the driveway. My brothers thought they were dumb. But you didn’t. You always used to say they were “cute.” It’d make me blush but I’d turn away before you could see me. That seemed like so long ago. But I remember it like yesterday.

I remember how your pants used to sag below your waist and I always thought it dangerous because your jeans were always so close to the spokes on your bike. I used to worry you’d get hurt. I didn’t want that. You’d always drink Coke when you came over to watch movies with my brothers and I always thought it was unhealthy on account you had been in the sun all day. I wanted to tell you something then but I knew my brothers would just yell at me. They hated when I interrupted you guys. But I would sit at the top of the stairs and watch you until Mom said it was time for me to go to bed. Your favorite word was “wicked”. Every time you said it, I’d smile. When my oldest brother broke his arm, you said his fall was “wicked cool” and I didn’t worry about him so much after that. You never left your shoes on for very long at our house. And you’d always kick them off in the same place in the kitchen by the back door before sliding into the den to sit on the couch and prop your feet up on the table. One time, I hid your shoes behind the plant on the back patio. I knew it wouldn’t take you long to find them--you were always so smart. But at least I got to watch you for a bit longer.

I hated you for moving away and leaving me like my brother did. I hated that I wouldn’t get to see you ride by our house anymore or worry about you falling down on the street. I hated that I’d never get to hear you burp loud enough to shake the windows and make Mom frown; that I’d never get to hear you say “wicked” again; that you’d never leave your shoes on the back patio. Most of all, I hated that I never told you how I feel. I hated that you were the only boy I ever loved.

“What’s it say, man?”

“Oh.. huh? It’s.. from your kid sister. Didn’t you read it?”

“Nah, she said it was to you. Said it was your going away present for college or something. I dunno. It’s probably something dumb. All she wrote me was a recipe for Mom’s chocolate-chip cookies. High school girls… Am I right?”

“Uh.. yeah. It’s dumb. I’m just going to make a phone call. You guys still live in that house on Cherry Street? Same number, I mean?”

“Yeah. But I don’t see—,”

“Thanks, man. I’ll catch up with you a little later. See ya.”



No, really, my English professor is insane!

So after nearly a month in summer school, I would venture to say I'm adjusted. Somewhat adjusted. Acutely adjusted. Okay, I'm still wondering what the hell possessed me to continue my education here, in Baton Rouge, so far away from my friends and family and other people I love. What the hell was I thinking? I could have simply went to McNeese, kept my job and saved some money. And I'd still have my bed. And my own shower! But I digress. This is not why I sat down to write this blog. I'm writing because I am now truly convinced my English professor, Dr. Marx is a crazy old bat.

Today, she handed us this sheet (I did not change a single letter. This was really it):

fashul eckspretions and hed moovmints

can yu tel how sumwun feals ubowt yu bi reding boddi langwij? authoryteas klame yu can, frum thu luuk uv skorne, however phleting, too thu suttle nods and brite ize that sae sumwun iz reeseptyv too yor thauts.

katee, cevintene, sez, "mi frends muthir duznt like mee. i noe she duznt." i askt katee whi she thaut this. "well, for wun thing, she duznt luuk at mee when I tawk too hir," katee ecksplaned, "she luuks uwae tord thu dor or ukross thu rume, as thoe she wonts too esscaip. and sumtimes she looks at mee as if too sae, "yu luuk phunnie in those klothes," i ges its thu wae hir ize luuk cold and hir lips ar presst toogethir. she duznt nede too sae wun negutiv werd too mee." thu muthirs boddi langwuj had sent u messij lowd and klere.

emmajin u luuk uv mokkirie on yor fais. teeth kum toogethir, lips kloze with u slite downwerd tirn. uzhuully we are kwik to eerace such u luuk frum owr fais beefor uthers see owr inner thauts, if yu are obzirvint, thoe, yu mae lirn too kach all mening beehind thu mask peepul ware - or think thae ware. as yu beekum moar in toon with boddi cumunicaissions, yu will noe wen too giv yor frends or yor parints u wide burth. yu will spot thu times peepul are tens. yu will aulsoe beeginn to understand yor one boddi langwij, too bee uwair uv whut messijez yu send.

And then, after we struggled through trying to read that aloud in class, my English professor just smiles and says, "Okay, now, what's wrong with this paper?"




Here we go again. Me, opening my browser window, logging into blogger, and starting a new post... hoping to write something profound. Or at least likable.

It's funny. Because, honestly, I shouldn't care. This blog is supposed to be mine and mine alone. I should be able to write whatever I want. But I don't. I don't because.. well, because I know other people will read it. Because I know, for some, it's the only glimpse into my life they'll get. And who's fault is that? Yeah. Okay. But still!

Anywayz... Yesterday was amazing. Fresh Market, CVS, Starbucks, Mall and BARNES AND NOBLE!!!! That's all I have to say about that. Barnes. And. Noble. Yup. Be jealous.

While in Barnes and Noble, I noticed something. I'm a writer. An aspiring author. Which I knew already. But it was most definitely confirmed then. The feeling I get when I walk into that place... (or any bookstore, for that matter). I mean, I just have to be a writer!

That's what I need to put on this blog... More shorts. Poems. Writings. I would have to write some though...




I don't know what to say. I'm sorry just doesn't seem like enough after all I've put you through. All of you. I've wronged each of you in one way or another, I'm sure. And I am sorry. It's never my intention to hurt anyone, I swear. Like that makes a difference anymore...

What is it about those words that make me feel so bad? I should known what was hurting you. I should known what I've done. What I was doing. Who was I becoming. It's not me. Not the me I want to be. Not the me I'd thought I'd be. The me you need. You couldn't tell me that, could you? So you wrote. And, now, every time I see those words, I'll know that I've done something to hurt you. I find myself frozen; wondering how I could be so oblivious. Why couldn't you just tell me if it bothered you so? How could I have blamed you if the fault was mine? You should've told me. I'm sorry.

Or maybe it's not me. Maybe those words weren't meant to be read by me. Perhaps in my twisted subconscious I feel guilty for neglecting you. I feel guilty because I let you slip away and didn't think twice about picking up a phone. I feel guilty and when I wanted to talk to you, something convinced me not to. I'm sorry.

I'm frozen. Trapped under the ice of my cold, bitchy demeanor. I'm pounding against the thick permafrost that is my ignorance. There's no air here. Only arrogance. I can't breathe. There's no light. Only lies. Will you help me, friend? Will you help me if I say I'm sorry?



So how's college?

The alarm sounded promptly at 6am. She rolled over and reached out to silence the monotonous buzzing. The snooze button didn't work. It never did. The clock was at least six years old. Was it six? Yes, six sounded about right. Perhaps eight. Instead, she groped along the side of the clock to find the switch which turned the alarm completely off. The siren stopped with a satisfying click. She sighed, sat up, reached into the air and blinked the small dorm room into view.

Her roommate was awake. That was different. Inetta was her name. Her 8am class had been canceled due to the lack of paid students. Lucky bitch. "Bathroom's flooded," she said over her shoulder before going back to the last-minute cram session she'd entered in.

She nodded. Time to start the day. She grabbed the ring of keys from her bedside desk. There were five keys: one for the closet doors, one for the suite and dorm room doors, two for her padlocked trunk under the bed, and the key to her home in Lake Charles. She smiled down at the picture attached to the rings. Such good memories from that night-- April 5th.

The clock now read 6:12 am. She opened the closet and began gathering what she'd need for the morning. It was sad, really, having to lock everything away. But what could she do? With a towel, soap and change of clothes in hand, she headed for the bathroom. A lake stood where tile flooring was meant to be. She sighed. Squish, squish, squish... Her foam shower shoes waded through to the shower. She turned the knob and quickly pulled back. Cold water. Great. Maybe if she allowed it to run for awhile with the knob turned past the engraved 'H'... Still cold.

Oh well. Better than being dirty, she'd decided. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into what was possibly the most uncomfortable shower she'd ever taken. And now she was shivering and covered in chill bumps. But she was clean. Squish, squish... Back into the dorm room.

And now, the freezing temperature that she'd appreciated under the warmth of her covers the night before was her biggest adversary. "Hot water's out, too," she said to her roommate, who had now moved back into her bed. She'd sifted through the clothes in her closet to pick out what to wear to class today. Shorts or capris? Short sleeve shirt or-- who was she kidding? It was going to be about 90 degrees outside. Short sleeve t-shirt and capri pants it was.

She unplugged her phone from the wall. No messages. She inserted her headphones to the device and picked a playlist from the music player application. Morning Mix. "Later." She pressed play. As the guitars began blaring, her steps became faster. It was the cafeteria she made her way to now. She was never really one for eating in the mornings. But, hell, they had some damn good pancakes.

7:40am. Time to begin walking to class. She brought her plate to the slowly moving conveyor belt and disposed of her trash. She dug the phone out of her pocket and found the earphones which were buried in her backpack. Resume music. Once she was alone on the path to the main campus, she began mouthing the words to the song that was playing. "..drink from half of a broken bottle.."

By 10:20, she was done. Thank God. The classes were nothing but tiresome repeats of things she had heard since about the 6th grade. Her notes were detailed and colorful to keep her awake. Back to the dorm for a nap. A long nap. One that would last until about 4:30pm or so. Oh yeah, good stuff.

She signed on to her IM programs. All four of them. It wasn't long before she was prompted with the age-old question: "Hey. So, how's college?"

She smiled. "Good."



I want...

The Other Boleyn Girl DVD. NOW!!



Take a Bow

All the world's a stage
and there's no back door.
You give them what they want
and they'll always want more.
Take your heart
leave it on the stage.
Close your eyes
escape from your cage.
Hide your tears
there's no room for them here.
Act the part
show no fear.
Be who you want--
who you were meant to be.
Or hide behind a mask
and never be free.




I never thought I'd say this, but I'm avoiding sleep right now. I'm avoiding sleep because when I open my eyes again, everything will be different. I feel like Lucy Pevensie when Asland tells her "All that you know is about to change." That is a very scary thought.

I did everything within my power to stall packing because in some twisted subconscious way, I guess I thought I could stall the entire process. There's no stalling time. It's like a giant bolder from rolling downhill or something. And you can do is either get ahead and let it hit you hard or stand behind and watch it slip away.

When I was younger, I envied my sister so much. Her beauty. Her popularity. Her style. Her age. She seemed so much older than I. And with age came more privileges. I never saw the growing responsibility. And now that I'm staring down the same path she once walked, I wish I could stay younger for just a bit longer.

In the words of Sadie, Peter, keep the gates open for me tonight.
