
Summer, here I come!

So finals are tomorrow. And I should be studying. I really should be studying. More than likely, I will. Okay, okay, I will be studying. A lot.

But as I think about it, I feel like another chapter of my life closing. One of those been-there-done-that type things. Lesson learned, I suppose. Summer school is not for everyone. Especially not lazy, forgetful bitches like me. But all is well. After finals, I'm going home. That excites me.

I can't wait to sleep in my own (queen-sized) bed again. With my own bathroom!! Trust me, these things you'll miss. Don't take these things for granted.

So.. goodbye to impromptu trips to Houston, Perkins Rowe, Barnes & Noble, Mall of Louisiana, Cortana Mall, Cinemark and Rave. I hardly knew ye.

1 comment:

Miss A to Z said...


Almost hooooome (: