
My teeth will thank me for this in the end...

So... I decided to give up sweets and sodas for Lent.

That's 40 days and 40 nights without cookies or Coke, sour patches and Sprite. What the hell was I thinking? Oh, right. Jesus.

For some reason, when I went to the store to look for food to bring me through this, I decided to look at the ingredients of the juice I was going to buy. But then I noticed one of the ingredients was high fructose corn syrup. That's bad. So I put it back. I guess, in a way, I unintentially gave that up to.

I don't know why this is a growing concern for me personally. When I see other people take control of their health, though, it makes me want to do something about mine too. Like what gives me the excuse to be so lazy? And I do need to learn healthier eating patterns.

Here's to Day 1!

God help me.


1 comment:

Aaron said...

Hey that's pretty awesome. Right in line with giving up sodas [and generally high fructose corn syrup drinks.]

What were you thinking!? giving up sweets.. ... oh right. nevermind. haha