

I'm beginning to lose faith in people. Quickly. Why should I continue to give people the best of me when all I get in return in the worst of them? Isn't it possible for me to just live my life without commentary from those who should just mind their own business? I mean, is your life so pathetically empty that you need to discuss someone else's? Mine. What pleasure will come to you by destroying my reputation? What reward? What... point?

So, yeah, Hawkins is dealing with some drama. But I won't let it get me down (more than it already has). Shouldn't complain about inspiration, I guess.


1. a raging, rapidly spreading fire
2. something that acts very quickly and intensely
3. any large fire that spreads rapidly and is hard to extinguish

(This was originally meant to be a poem. Now it's... an extended metaphor. My feelings are too jumbled to fit into a nice, pretty poem.)

It only takes a spark to light a fire; one moment of carelessness and disregard to start the heated flames. And once they catch light, there is no stopping the birth of a wildfire-- Flames are teeming with hatred and pettiness, devouring everything in its path. Honesty falls victim to the destruction; Truth lost in the chaos and dismay. The once hopeful and innocent skies are now darkened with the thick, black clouds swirling above the smoldering ashes of once happy lives. There is nothing that can quell a wildfire's hunger for more. More destruction. More chaos. More anger. Burn, wildfire, burn.


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