
Mr. Right

My sister asked me what my "perfect" man would be like. I laughed and told her, well first, I'd have to believe in perfect. But after I thought about it, I liked the idea. So I guess my ideal man would probably be something like this:

Eyes. He'd have to have gorgeous eyes. I'm an eye girl. Light brown, green, hazel, etc. Something that pops.

Smart. I'd like him smart. Not annoyingly so, just enough to where I can carry on a conversation with him without getting annoyed or angry. But I'd have to be able to follow the conversation as well.

Passionate. Whether that's about painting or writing or saving orphans, he'd have to be passionate and dedicated.

That being said, committed. I'd hope he'd be committed to me, but my ideal man would not be wishy washy or flaky. He'd say he's going to do something and then do it. I love that in a person, especially a man. Conviction.

Kind. I don't want a hardened man. He'd have to be friendly, gentle, generally pleasant to be around.

Curious. I don't like people who feel like there's nothing left to learn about in the world. He'd have to be interested in travel or books. Learning.

Romantic. Oh yes, he would most definitely have to be romantic. Flowers just because. Dancing in the living room to a commercial. Surprise dinners. The whole nine.

Other than that, physical stuff isn't too important to me. I guess I'd want him at least as tall as me if not taller. But not freakishly so. A great head of hair would be nice. I do love running my hand through lush hair.

So, yeah, my ideal man. There ya go.


P.S. - That being said, let me clarify that I love my boyfriend very much. And I am very happy with him. This is just what I'd like if I could craft my ideal man.

1 comment:

SaveALemming said...

And one day I hope to fulfill each and every one of these things for you :)

You may not believe in perfect but I'm gonna strive for perfect-ish.