
Tiger Tales

Last night was probably one of the single most greatest nights of my life! Well... maybe not. There was my birthday party. And Sweeney Todd ;) And the Houston trip. And-- Okay, so maybe not the best. But definitely top 10. For sure the best concert experience I've had in a loooong time. (Hopefully Oct 25th will be awesome too!)

Even though I don't attend LSU (What was I thinking?), I still got to enjoy some of the perks of being a Tiger. One of those privileges being... Sean Kingston and Gavin Degraw in concert! LIVE! It was... unlike anything I've experienced in my life before. The performers were about (I'm not lying) 10 feet from me. I could see the diamonds in Sean's chain, the sweat from Gavin's forehead, the tightness in his bassist jeans (mm mm). What made it even better was partying it up with my #1 BR buddy, Franco Diesel (haha).

Of course, I couldn't step foot on LSU's campus repping my blue and gold. Especially not during their Gold Fest (homecomming preparations). Big no-no. No worries! Just before the concert, I went to Tiger District and copped a $10 "Geaux Tigers" shirt. It's gold with big purple lettering. The shirt which, by the way, I'm totally wearing at school. Right now. I hate to say it, but I look damn good in purple and gold. (T.S. Cooley anyone?) Both my roommate and I "converted" in the car while Franco damn near mowed down about 3 people. I swear he was trying to kill us... Haha. (Truuuck!)

But of course it wouldn't be a true outing if their wasn't food involved. After showing my roomie Coop., we jetted to Hello Sushi. It was really nice inside and they branded everything with the logo from the paper around the chopsticks to the scantron menu. We may have to go back and get shirts... Hmmm.

All in all, I had a good experience on LSU's campus. Both my rommie and I were Jaguars camouflaged as Tigers. (Still in the cat family though!) I think if there were some way to continue classes here at SU but still vicariously live and party on LSU's campus, I would totally do it. Correspondence classes? I dunno. Hopefully, we can find some football tickets that won't cost me my firstborn son. Although, they would get the raw end of that deal. XP But I think an LSU football game would be... total college ecstasy. We'll see...


1 comment:

PHANatik said...

yep franco dieself & raylin jenkins rockin it in da PMAC!

damn....bass guy..casey twist! remember dat! wife & child? psht!

hellz yea yall should b goin 2 lsu! purple & gold!

MAY get shirts? WILL get shirts

haha i looked up sum football tickets 2day. dey even sell parkin passes jux 2 park @ da fuckin game!