
A Bit of Perspective

It is appalling to me how little the American audience has advanced. I know not everyone has the same ideals, beliefs, etc.. Still, I would think that here in the "Melting Pot," we would learn to accept (or at least respect) other lifestyles. And it really irks me to be wrong in this aspect.

This is what I'm talking about:

Today, I went to see Valentine's Day with one of my closest, dearest friends. Cute movie. I had tears. Twice.


Anyway, there's a part in the movie when the newly-outted sports athlete is met by his lover who, for most of the movie, seems to be hitting on Julia Roberts. The twisting reveal that Bradley Cooper's character is gay has little time to settle before a heart-warming gesture between him and his star athlete boyfriend takes place. Lover. Man. Person. I dunno, it's not clear exactly how serious their relationship is. Still.

While this is a very sweet moment in the movie (I think), the rest of the theater did not seem to agree. Mel and I clutched each tightly, waiting for them to kiss. The rest of the audience began to groan and audibly express their disapproval . "Ughh... no! Uh, man! Yuccck. Gross."

And it really bothers me that a man can play a philandering adulterer and get more approval than a faithful, loyal boyfriend---even if he's boyfriend to another man.

Ahhhh. It just kinda agitates me.

Yeah. So that's my schpeal. I probably would have more if someone were to ask me about this in person.

Thoughts? Comments? Agree? Disagree? ..Anything?


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