
Shifting Gears and Moving Forward

Alright, so it's officially Nov 5th and now that all the election hype has died down and the votes are actually counted and we have a new president elect, (Wow! run-on sentence much?) I can actually focus on NaNoWriMo. I can actually start NaNoWriMo.

I have all these ideas in my head. Lines I want certain characters to say, names for them, names for places, basic plot structure and few twists... But actually getting them down in written word is nearly impossible. Especially considering the fact I have 8330 words to write by the stroke of midnight tonight if I want to stay on track and complete this. Which I WILL!

Here's the dilemma: I've decided to change stories. Yup. I'm insane. The story, piece, idea, whatever I originally planned on developing into a 50,000-word novel is no longer up to par for me. I don't feel as though I can go all the way with it. Even in my head, I get stuck so I know trying to write it will be an epic fail.

However, this new idea I have--although, technically an old short I'm just going to expand and develop--I feel I can really go somewhere with. It seemed to have positive feedback when I posted it here before, so we'll see how well I can develop it further.

As always, I know I have a ton of support helping me through (Rachel, Nick, Harrison, Mr. Taylor... Love you guys!). And I don't intend on disappointing.

So "keep it locked" here for all NaNoWriMo updates as I "officially" start.
Right now.
Here I go.


P.S. - Oh, and in case you're wondering exactly which one of my previously posted shorts I'm going to use for NaNo is, it's
this one.

1 comment:

Miss A to Z said...

oh god word counts D:

oh god. xD

we are so far behind